Saturday, November 29, 2008

Packing sucks.

Packing just sucks. Splitting up your shit, while packing, sucks even more. We could not have been more tense today as we ripped the material accumulation of ten years into two piles.

Ugh. I pick up the moving truck Sunday at 8am. Can't wait to get this stage overwith. It just reeks of massive suckitude; we're both miserable and need to finish this as quickly as possible.

Sucks sucks sucks. Looking forward to a happier "Yay I'm all moved in!" post, hopefully tomorrow.


Eric A said...


Muni Meltdown said...

awww, don't worry about me. just gotta get thru this hard part, and then tomorrow everything changes. seems like *every* tomorrow has new crazy changes in it.

Honestly I'm very psyched to get into the new pad -- it's really going to be MUCH better once I move. guess I'll just have to ride the crazy surf for a while!