Sunday, November 30, 2008

Why the 49 is a bit more rocking than the 47

Muni plus tranny hookers always equals a good time.

Another fine Muni Moment, this time courtesy of the Van Ness Avenue routes and Best of Craigslist. Warning, not for the faint of heart!

I do love Muni,it's so... colorful. Hat tip to Jesse!


View from my living room window

Hooray, I'm here!!!

I'm stealing my neighbor's wi-fi in standard San Francisco tradition, until my internet gets hooked up this week. We were all done moving everything out of my old pad, and into my pad, by 3:00. Tom, Christopher, and Zabe went so far beyond the call of duty I don't know how to thank them. Dinner at BoBo's for sure, but it just won't be enough. Thanks guys!

Now that I'm settled in, I can't help but think my ex doesn't have a whole lot left over at his place. He got the full bedroom set, and I got the full living room (except for the big wooden coffee table), so theoretically we're "even" but his place just looked *so* empty without all that stuff crammed in there. I hope he doesn't take too long to fill it back up with new things that are comfortable and that he can call his own.

I'm going to miss him.

OK, so I'm going to go unpack a few more boxes and hit the hay. Long fun day of shopping ahead of me tomorrow! Here are just a few more shots from moving day.

My new living room

My new bedroom

Saturday, November 29, 2008

Packing sucks.

Packing just sucks. Splitting up your shit, while packing, sucks even more. We could not have been more tense today as we ripped the material accumulation of ten years into two piles.

Ugh. I pick up the moving truck Sunday at 8am. Can't wait to get this stage overwith. It just reeks of massive suckitude; we're both miserable and need to finish this as quickly as possible.

Sucks sucks sucks. Looking forward to a happier "Yay I'm all moved in!" post, hopefully tomorrow.

Friday, November 28, 2008

Getting closer....!

Thanksgiving was surprisingly uneventful! We had a few friends over for Wednesday night prep-time, chopping vegetables and figuring out hors d'oeuvres. I don't know if we were acting funny or if our friends just wanted lots of sleep before Thursday, but everyone scrammed by 9pm.

Which left us in a bind -- what to do on the first night of a long holiday weekend? Read the bible? Watch Bill Moyers on TV? Go our separate ways and just rendezvous Thursday morning?

Well of course not; the two of us went into the neighborhood for old times' sake and had a few drinks together at our favorite bar. It was only a little bit surreal -- a few handsome boys came our way and tried to chat with us, but I'm sure once anybody spoke to us they probably realized we had bright red neon "Freak - Stay Away" signs over our heads. Probably a good thing! So, we spent one last night out together, just the two of us, and had a great time. Not a bad way to end things, I guess.

Thursday was too busy to really think about anything at all -- lots of cooking and orchestrating for the big dinner. The food was awesome and I think all my friends really appreciated that we were able to do it together and stay civil. There's no doubt that by the end of the night I was pretty quiet, from the exhaustion of staying up the night before, and from the emotional drain of throwing a big party with my ex-husband. But all in all, no damage done and we all made it through.

Now, the only thing left to do is pack things up, and move. I'm ready to get started! But before I do, a fun night out w/my friends this evening, who've been awesome at keeping me relentlessly busy and distracted.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Welcome to San Francisco -- now gimme $3

A pretty decent article in today's Chronicle about my agency's big plan to charge drivers to enter downtown, and use the revenues to improve transit! Zabe is quoted in the article, from her big presentation at City Hall yesterday. Yay! And even better, all the forecasting for the study was of course done with my new shiny "fully operational" deathstar model. Double-Yay!

Check it out --

Why I Love San Francisco

Because sometimes, when you need it most, this city just wraps its arms up around you and gives you a huge bear hug, for no reason. No other city does it like San Francisco.

I love being home.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Yipes.... seven pounds gone...

I suppose I should be happier that I weighed in at 189 lbs. this morning; I had been trying to lose weight all summer to no avail!! Nothing like a break-up to snap you back to attention. :-) Of course, it helps being (occasionally) too sad to eat. I'll have to try to eat more during the moments when this whole situation isn't bugging me, to make up for the times when it is.

The good news is, my ex and I had another re-hash re-breakup re-fight last night that was totally unproductive and unnecessary. Why is that good news? Two reasons: (1) Because it was a nice summary reminder of why we have to do this. There's no turning back, we're both too set in our current ways and won't change if we stay together. I've been spending a fair bit of energy thinking that maybe we could try to make the changes we need together instead of apart, but that's just not going to happen. (2) Because there's no time left to fight between now and Thanksgiving, which we're still planning on hosting here at our apartment for one last hurrah before I move out. The next few days are going to be completely filled with party planning, shopping, cleaning, and having friends over to help prep and cook.

So, with no time left to fight, and a fair bit of resolution on the why-we're-doing-this front, it seems like a good breakpoint for us to move to the next stage, which will be the actual moving out.

More to come!

Monday, November 24, 2008

Sky on Fire

Anyone else catch the freaky sky-on-fire sunset tonight? Wow.

And then, Muni saves my day

So after the melancholy "Oh Poor Me" post below, provides me this gem, keeping me giggling all afternoon.

The world is going to be okay after all. I'll pay the $1.50, thank you. Nice to keep everything in context!

Let's not pretend - love is the end

A brutal day. I can honestly say I've never felt such deep sorrow. While I pick up the pieces and work on moving forward there is an unmistakable feeling that I'm bearing witness to a crushing sadness. The loss of a dear departed, a funeral for something that I loved more than anything I've ever loved in my life. Devastating in a way I never thought I could experience. Just.... crushing.

I'm trying to stay very focused on the pieces of this that I can control: making plans with friends for support; picking out a bed and making a list of other things I'll need in my new pad; wrapping up little home/nonwork projects that I don't want dangling over me anymore; tying up loose ends with Eric since he deserves so much better. And of course, being sweet to my ex through it all, so he knows I still love him and that I'm doing my best to learn some hard lessons.

The hardest part is dealing with the pieces I can't control: his unwillingness to fight for keeping us together; the inevitable awkwardness as we start living our own lives while still living together; having to go through the motions at work when all I want to do is sit at home; feeling lonely, already.

So, it's true. Without love there's nothing.

"Let's not pretend - love is the end"

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Billy's New Digs

Wow -- I put a deposit down on my new apartment today! See pics below. I'm one block from Dolores Park, on Dolores St at 21st. Top floor, hardwood floors throughout, nice view, and I can get a cat!

It's fucking EXPENSIVE though, so time to trim my other expenses a bit! Maybe I can live without a maid for awhile.... :-(

Anyway, moving soon, so i'm going to need a truckload of new furniture. Who wants to help me shop? :-)

Friday, November 21, 2008

Sunshine Policy

Wow. I just got out of the strangest all-staff meeting regarding my agency's "Sunshine Policy". We are not part of city government (being a state-created entity has its benefits!), which means we don't adhere the the San Francisco sunshine ordinance. But we *do* have our very own sunshine policy, which says:
  • If I delete an email, it's equivalent to having thrown a paper in a wastebin, and it is no longer "recorded information"
  • If a document is preliminary or "draft", it does not need to be provided
  • If a "draft" document is attached to an email (which wasn't deleted), we can provide the email but don't need to provide the document
  • Asking questions isn't the same as asking for documents or recorded information. I don't actually have to answer questions!
So I'm going to stamp everything draft, delete all my old email, and never again worry about anything people ask me. (And if this is sunshine, I fart glitter....)

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Three pounds down!

Well it's already working! Weighed myself at the gym and I've lost three pounds since the weekend. Now that I've got progress there, I'm going to focus on work, work, work for the next few hours. Lots of things have been... um.... stagnating as I get all dramatic about this situation, so I need to step up a bit and take care of things!

"Just one stomach flu away from my ideal weight..." ;-)

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Day 1 a success!

Wow, I made it thru my first day of being single after 10 years.

Got up early, after just a few hours of sleep. Raced out of the house and met my friend Eric for breakfast. Cried at breakfast. Waiter kept trying to bring me fresh coffee to make me feel better!

Couldn't get out of work today, because I was in Sacramento Monday/Tuesday and I had some meetings stacked up. Glad I went; didn't get a whole lot done but was happy to think about other things a bit. Well, at least when I wasn't sitting in my coworkers offices talking about the breakup.

Left early though (around 4pm -- and picked up "lunch" on the way, since I completely forgot to eat). Got home and had the joyful task of finishing the conversion of our 1 bedroom / 1 office apartment into a 2 bedroom apartment, so we have separate spaces. Voila! I am now typing this from my new, private bedroom. Nice!

So, all in all a good day. I made a big list of things that will need doing, but haven't gotten very far on it yet. I guess there's time. Oh one other thing -- I set up a lookie at what sounds like a very nice 1 bedroom apartment close to gorgeous Dolores Park. Keep fingers crossed!

Tuesday, November 18, 2008


Trigby and I have decided to break up. It's not quite a divorce, since we're not quite married, but to all of you it will probably look and feel like one.

So, be extra nice to us as we try to figure what to do now.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Lots to talk about!

Boy has a lot been going on lately. While the blog is called "Muni Meltdown," I've decided that I'm going to start posting on lots of topics other than just transport madness. So, pay attention to the tags/labels on the posts here, since I'm going to cover my personal life and interests a bit more, and transit a bit less.

Not that I won't still kvetch about how awful Muni is -- it still sucks!

Thanks, and more to come.