Friday, March 27, 2009

Sonoma for the weekend....

I'm heading up to Sonoma County for the weekend to test out my new bike on the redwood and bohemian highways. The past two weeks have been unusually packed with late nights at the office and even some work on the weekends, so the blog has gotten boring and the Billy has gotten cranky! This weekend trip should fix both problems.

I'll be heading up to Guerneville with Sparky, and we're going to bicycle either to Occidental or to Sebastopol for the amazing Mexican food at my favorite restaurant up there. Or, we might skip the long rides entirely and just fart around town and hike through the redwood forest at Armstrong Woods... it's supposed to be fantastically gorgeous and warm this weekend, so I don't really care what we do as long as it's outside, nowhere near a computer, and filled with tall trees. Yay, road trip!

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