Thursday, May 28, 2009

Divorce Court

Yesterday I spent about 90 minutes in Divorce Court. Well, actually at the San Francisco Superior Court "Family Law Self-Help Center." I'm still jumping through hoops to get my domestic partnership dissolved. Now it looks like July 15th will be the big day.

Very strange timing, given this week's affirmation by the California Supreme Court that gay people are second-class citizens. While all of my "facebook friends" (i.e. people I don't really know) are all a-twitter about their outrage and how we'll get-em-next-time, I must say that it's been pretty much a non-event and unemotional for me. The long list of forms just to eliminate my domestic partnership are pretty serious. I hope all these gay people dying to get married know that it's both a right and a responsibility. Gay Marriage: The Dark Side!

I still say, the best sign at last year's protest march was, "The only relationship gay marriage will ruin is my own." Tee, hee!!

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