Friday, December 19, 2008

Redheads Everywhere

One of the strangest things I've noticed as I start putting myself out there is this: there is no shortage of redheaded boys in this town, chatting me up, sending me messages, just sorta trying to get my attention.

I can only imagine that these are guys who've seen me out & about in the neighborhood for years with The Ex. Now that he's gone they must think I either (1) only like redheads, a fetish thing; or (2) want me to be reminded of him every time I look at them. I hope for their sake that it's #1 and not #2. :-)

Currently I'm politely declining these advances.... I bet much the same way my Ex must be avoiding Turks right now. But I have a feeling there are fewer Turks here in San Francisco than redheads.

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