Friday, November 21, 2008

Sunshine Policy

Wow. I just got out of the strangest all-staff meeting regarding my agency's "Sunshine Policy". We are not part of city government (being a state-created entity has its benefits!), which means we don't adhere the the San Francisco sunshine ordinance. But we *do* have our very own sunshine policy, which says:
  • If I delete an email, it's equivalent to having thrown a paper in a wastebin, and it is no longer "recorded information"
  • If a document is preliminary or "draft", it does not need to be provided
  • If a "draft" document is attached to an email (which wasn't deleted), we can provide the email but don't need to provide the document
  • Asking questions isn't the same as asking for documents or recorded information. I don't actually have to answer questions!
So I'm going to stamp everything draft, delete all my old email, and never again worry about anything people ask me. (And if this is sunshine, I fart glitter....)

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